Thursday 31 December 2009

2010, bring it on!!

I have a very quiet New Year's eve night, staying at home. Sugar is working, and I am staying at home waiting for him to come back from work. I know, it is not very glamourous to go attend New Year's Eve party at 32-week pregnant. Furthermore, the weather is so cold, i dread going out.

For a change, this is so relaxing and it is all I ever wanted. For the past three years, I have never had the chance to spend a quiet evening at home at the eve of a new year. I really appreciate this quiet evening, all by myself.

I watched the news on the telly, feeling the new year mood all around the globe. Some countries have already stepped into the new year. Fireworks every where, view of fireworks in HK from Victoria Harbour, Sydney Harbour in Sydney, in New Zealand, over Red Square in Moscow..... wow!!!

Welcome to 2010!

2010 is going to be a great year for us, we are a family of three !! How exciting is that?

Wednesday 23 December 2009

The saviour of my dry lips...

Cold winter months...I have dry and chapped lips. My old lip balm does not seem to do a good job this time. I need a new product, to have fantastic result and won't burn my pocket! Today, I went to the local Boots and bought a lip butter. It is only £2.49!!!!! I tried it, I only applied it twice within 3 hours, and my lips are now so smooth and it tastes so good. It has the scent of dark chocolate and peppermint. For me, it smells just like After Eight! Yummy! I love it. It is really amazing and how can I not share this with all those who suffer dry and chapped lips?

I always love Palmer's cocoa butter products. I have been using cocoa butter for many years now, and with a growing baby bump, cocoa butter is such a pampering product. It smells so good on me, it also protects me from stretchmarks. I started using cocoa butter during my first trimester. Now, at 30 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I have not seen any marks, I have a baby smooth baby bump that I am so proud of, even my midwife is awed. May be it is my gradual weight gain, with the help of cocoa butter at least two times a day, I pray hard that I will not develop stretch mark throughout this pregnancy, high hope!

Tuesday 22 December 2009

I want one of these...

Sugar and I went to Selfridges and been looking around for some Christmas bargain...Then I saw this nice baby changing bag and I thought it looks really cool. Sugar said it looks nice on me too. There are pink and baby blue ones, but i have fallen in love with this grey one....Oh, darling!

This will be my perfect Christmas present, ever! Drooling...

Thursday 17 December 2009

Cooking for two...

Ever since my maternity leave starts, I am throughly enjoying my time staying at home while Sugar goes to work. I enjoy cleaning the house, doing the laundry and my favourite of them all would be cooking for two!

It makes me very happy every time Sugar comes home to eat. Sometimes he will call me from work and ask what dishes I would be cooking, then we can kinda plan the dishes on the phone. I absolutely love it! When it is Sugar's day off, he will cook for me, and he loves cooking as well.

With the cold weather, and blasting heating these days, I boiled some Chinese sweet soup to sooth our appetite, and to stay warm. Picture shown one of my favourites, it is easy to make and it is white fungus with sweet red dates, lotus seed and dried longan. Such a winter warmer, the Chinese way!

Wednesday 16 December 2009

I absolutely love this stage of my life!

Counting down...there are about 72 days till my due date. I cant believe it, it is less than 100 days, I still have lots of things to prepare for the arrival of my little prince.

I am grateful that I have started my maternity leave early so that I can plan things ahead. I just want to organised as much things as possible because I do not know when exactly is the 'B-DAY'. It is all excitement and I will try to be as calm as possible and I will pray for a smooth delivery and an easy labour.

Today, I spent the whole day relaxing around the house, I took a nap in the afternoon, I have not done this for such a long, long time, and it feels so good. I also spent the evening doing some craft. I made paper pockets to put Lil'B's ultra scan pictures which were taken when he was only 20 weeks in my womb! How time flies, he is now closer to meeting me in person!

I just can't wait...I am also into the stage that I am reading as much info as possible about birth and delivery. I just want to find out as much as possible, chat in the forums, chat with new mums and find out as much as I could so that I know what to expect and do not panic...(the breathing.....ahh).

I have yet to write my birth plan, but I have already had a rough idea of what I need during the birth. Let's pray that every thing goes smoothly as my plan!! Let's just pray for that!

Tuesday 15 December 2009

I love our home...

Ever since we moved in to the new house, we have been constantly adding new things, be it in the kitchen, the bedrooms or the lounge. As the weather turns cold, we bought some new throws for the sofa, so we can stay warm while watching TV. The new Missoni throw that we bought is really comfy and warm. This afternoon, we go back to buy another one. I love the colours and the fabric, I am still thinking to get more of those, who knows, I can get the smaller size for my baby, as a blanket. We still have more things to get as the baby is arriving soon.

I really enjoy shopping for the household products. I absolutely love shopping for baby products too. I have changed so much ever since I am pregnant. I no longer go mad about shoe shopping. Perhaps the changes in my body shapes put me off all sorts of shopping for my wardrobe. I just cannot believe that as an expecting mum, this is such a massive change. I am becoming so adapting to housewifery. It is such a great change and it is soemthing good, I believe...

This is a nice feeling. I love our home so much, there is nothing like home. It is the safest place in the world, it is full of love, it is ours, it is such a happy place. We hope one day, we can afford a bigger house, and live happily ever after with our family.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Mothercare Gift Card

I am so happy!

Received an email informing me that I have won a £100 Mothercare Gift Card from one of the online competitions that I have entered.

I am always keen to enter competitions online through all the moms & babies websites. I just cant believe I have actually won something!

Let's go shopping at Mothercare!

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Feeling guilty!

I missed my antenatal appointment this morning. I rang my midwife later and tried to book for another appointment next week, but it is all fully booked. So i guess I have to book for a week after that, which means it is so close to Christmas! I feel so guilty!

This morning, Sugar and I went shopping for infant travel system. It's just amazing to find out that there are so many choices out there and we are all confused now. We did not buy any today, will do more research and find out our real needs. We bought a Mamas and Papas moses basket, really pleased with it, and I just cannot stop carrying it from my bedroom to downstairs pretending that I am busy showing off Lil'B to my guests!! What a nice feeling... I just cannot wait to see my boy!

I hope to get to book in an appointment for my routine antenatal check-up soon! Oh, yesterday evening, Sugar and I went for our very first antenatal class. It was rubbish. It lasted for two hours, and there were only 6 of us in a class. Before the class, I would imagine that it was a nice class, and I would get to meet many parents-to-be and make new friends. Now, Sugar refused to go to the second class with me next week. I am also lack of motivation and do not think that I will want to attend the class. The topic covered yesterday was all about birthing and labour...not very informative though, Well, the session was so boring and so lack of preparations, and I am getting better and more useful information from books and websites. What a waste of time, the class...., I have already read it before. Next week's class will talk about breast feeding, and I think I might give it a pass, I have a very good midwife and I am sure I can learn a lot from her, more like a one-on-one session!

This week is my last week at work, and I can put my feet up, my maternity leave starts next week!!!! Yay!

Tuesday 1 December 2009

It's winter cold on December...

The cold weather has begun... I do not like it, it is too cold for me. Turning on the heating also means too dry for my skin and my lips. It is dreadful, it is really that bad and I feel that I cannot do anything about it, completely... Switching on the heating is definite, as Sugar said, it is better to stay warm than worrying about dried lips....So, I am drinking lots of water, and drinking lots of water also means uncountable trips to the loos, it is good in a way, walking to the loos is a form of exercise, to me. Besides the unpleasant nasty cold, I love hot showers on cold days, so relaxing. I always love the after-shower feeling, it cheers me up!

Yesterday, I went to the hospital to get my swine flu jab. It did not hurt, it was like a sharp scratch. After that, for the whole evening, I could not lift my left arm, it was a bit numb. I woke up this morning with still a bit of numbness, but I am totally ok now.

Yesterday, Sugar and I drove to China Town for some dimsum... I did not eat much. These days, I only make sure I eat half full, or rather, I have small meals every time, but have snacks in between. I am afraid eating too full will make me feel uncomfortable, as now my baby is growing bigger and bigger each day.

I am about to start my maternity leave. I am so looking forward to it! When my leave starts, I will have lots of free time, i will most probably be staying at home loads. Sugar will be working, so i will need to think of something else to do when I am all alone at home. Cooking sounds like a good idea...I guess I will love my domestic life more, hopefully....