Sunday 17 July 2011

Jinc has a temperature :(

Jinc has never had a temperature since the day he was born. During the teething stage, and also after his immunisation, he was always fine and normal, and I am so proud of him.

However, he had a temperature yesterday for the very first time, 38.9C, which was quite high. I was a bit panicky, first time...the very first, I did not know what to expect and what to do next. So I rang a friend, who is an experience mom of two. We did not rush to the GP or A&E, I just continued to monitor his temperature, let him wear loose clothing, and make sure he did not get too hot. The temperature came on and off, so I got worry and rang the GP, according to the GP, it looked like he had some viral infection, and advised me to give him some Calpol.

I did just that, Calpol every four hours, continued to monitored his temperature. He acted normal, he had his night time milk as top up, he had his meal and snacks as usual, I gave him lots of water to drink. He went to bed as normal. As I said, it was on and off. The whole night, I did not quite sleep, I was worried.

It really worn me off the next morning. He still had a bit of temperature, but it went away in the afternoon. He was all well and happy. What a relief!

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