Sunday, 6 November 2011

Learning new words everyday...

Jinc is talking, in single words.

He can say da( for daddy) and he calls me 'ma'. I could not remember when exactly he started to call me ma, but i feel the love every time i hear him calling me!

Jinc can say many other words, both in English and in Cantonese.

Here is a list of words that he can say:
- car
- bird
-ladybird (beerd)
- bee
-horse (Hor..)
- nana (nanny)
-dadd (Grandad)
-pup (puppy)
-ketchup (Chap)
-Helicopter (hep)
- Santa Claus (Cos)
-Socks (Sok), In Cantonese (Maat)
-Popo (grandma in Cantonese)
- Ma Ma (grandma in Cantonese)
-GongGong (Grand dad in Cantonese)
-YehYeh (Grand dad in Cantonese)
-Mei Mei (sister, calling Lilymay)
- Tong (In pain, in Cantonese)
...and many others, and I realise it will take me more than 2 days to list them all.

Anyway, I am so very proud of him. I just cant wait for him to start talking in sentences, I believe he will turn out to be a very chatty little boy!

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