Yay, Jinc is now five months old. What a lovely stage.
He sleeps so well at night, and sometimes, he sleeps through for eight hours without feed. I am not too worry about dehydration, because I know him so well now, if he is hungry, he will show me the 'sign'!
He weights 7.35kg ( 16Ibs 3oz). He is not a heavy baby so far, he is a rather small baby if I were to compare him with other 5-6 months old in the baby group of our area. Well, Jinc is a good oriental size, and he is growing perfectly according to his growth chart in his little red book ( health record).
Jinc learns to roll over when he is about 18 weeks old. Now, he has master his roll-over skill and he can never get tired of rolling over, and over again when I put him to his tummy. He loves his tummy time, and he can now spend about half an hour playing on his tummy on the playmat, which is always on the floor. He gets really wriggly and attempts to roll during most of the nappy change, and I get very conscious about his safety. I no longer leave him to play on our bed while I run to the toilet, or run to the next room to get something, or sometimes run downstairs to get my camera. I can never leave him alone on a higher level. If I were to leave him on his own for a few minute, I will place him to his cot, I still think his cot is the safest place so far, to prevent him from falls.
Jinc has also learn to grab his toys, and he is able to change between both his hands when he is holding a little toy. He loves to bang on his toys, or tables, or sometimes my laps using his hands just to hear the sound of them.
He is still on his bottle and I have not started weaning him, no rush for that. But he loves to watch me eat, and he will kinda move his mouth when he sees me chewing my food, I think he is interested to try new taste soon. He looks so funny when he stares at me tentatively during my meals and I am so tempted to let him try some of my food, hah!
Jinc is very sensitive. He recognises his own name, whenever I called out his name, he will turn to the direction of where my voice came from. He does not respond well if other person calls him. I guess he is very familiar with my voice, because I spend the most hours with him every day!
At five months old, Jinc is able to show his emotions clearly. If he is grumpy, he will act grumpy. If he is happy, he just can't stop laughing. He is quite a straight forward baby boy so far..
Overall, Jinc is reaching his five month old milestones according to most of the baby magazines. I am a proud mother, to be honest.
He sleeps so well at night, and sometimes, he sleeps through for eight hours without feed. I am not too worry about dehydration, because I know him so well now, if he is hungry, he will show me the 'sign'!
He weights 7.35kg ( 16Ibs 3oz). He is not a heavy baby so far, he is a rather small baby if I were to compare him with other 5-6 months old in the baby group of our area. Well, Jinc is a good oriental size, and he is growing perfectly according to his growth chart in his little red book ( health record).
Jinc learns to roll over when he is about 18 weeks old. Now, he has master his roll-over skill and he can never get tired of rolling over, and over again when I put him to his tummy. He loves his tummy time, and he can now spend about half an hour playing on his tummy on the playmat, which is always on the floor. He gets really wriggly and attempts to roll during most of the nappy change, and I get very conscious about his safety. I no longer leave him to play on our bed while I run to the toilet, or run to the next room to get something, or sometimes run downstairs to get my camera. I can never leave him alone on a higher level. If I were to leave him on his own for a few minute, I will place him to his cot, I still think his cot is the safest place so far, to prevent him from falls.
Jinc has also learn to grab his toys, and he is able to change between both his hands when he is holding a little toy. He loves to bang on his toys, or tables, or sometimes my laps using his hands just to hear the sound of them.
He is still on his bottle and I have not started weaning him, no rush for that. But he loves to watch me eat, and he will kinda move his mouth when he sees me chewing my food, I think he is interested to try new taste soon. He looks so funny when he stares at me tentatively during my meals and I am so tempted to let him try some of my food, hah!
Jinc is very sensitive. He recognises his own name, whenever I called out his name, he will turn to the direction of where my voice came from. He does not respond well if other person calls him. I guess he is very familiar with my voice, because I spend the most hours with him every day!
At five months old, Jinc is able to show his emotions clearly. If he is grumpy, he will act grumpy. If he is happy, he just can't stop laughing. He is quite a straight forward baby boy so far..
Overall, Jinc is reaching his five month old milestones according to most of the baby magazines. I am a proud mother, to be honest.
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