Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Early Joy!

In the picture is Baby Holly, at three weeks old. Becky, a friend has given birth to this beautiful angel. Baby Holly has long fingers, very adorable!

I am at my very early pregnancy. 5 weeks to be exact!

I do not know what to expect. I know I have got lots to learn. I have also bought some pregnancy magazines, browse the internet to find out as much information as possible.

This is such an exciting stage, yet worrying. I am also getting paranoid. I googled every single thing that I plan to eat to make sure it is ok to take those food during early pregnancy. I am being very careful. I believe every 1st time mum-to-be would act like this. I also think that this is completely normal.

Every day, i read about the week-by-week growth of the baby, and analyse the changes that take place in my body. Until today, I have yet to experience the so-called morning sickness. No sickness at all, and I can eat really well.

I am very happy, every day...

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