Sunday, 29 April 2012

Lily May's first hair cut (DIY)

The length of her hair

(BEFORE) A close-up

Lily-May will be one next week, and I think she is in need for a hair cut. I do want her to have girly long hair when she is older, she is my little princess after all.

It is quite annoying to see the back of her hair, long and growing but not the front part. Well, I wanted to cut it for her but just did not seem to find the right time to do it. I have got a pair of home-used hairdressing scissors specifically used for cutting children's hair. So, I did it today, during her bath. No mess. Just a few snips, and there it is.. not-so-perfect bob. Not bad for her first hair cut experience, I would say.


I could remember that Jinc had his very first hair cut when he was about nine months old. He had it when we went on holiday to Malaysia on 2010. He cried so much at the hairdresser in my hometown, and I did mange to snap a few pictures though, the crying faces, and the reluctant-faced hairdresser!

Saturday, 28 April 2012

A chilly Saturday

The weather is still cold and wet. We have not been going out much, as both little ones have colds and coughs.. Dreadful nights too. Hope they both get well soon, and also hope the sun comes out more often so that we get to play outside more!

Friday, 27 April 2012

A good friend is becoming a father soon!

News just in! One of my (male) best friends is going to be a father soon, for the first time!

So happy for him, a dream comes true! This is also the lunar year of the dragon, so it is going to be a 'dragon' baby!

Expect more baby news this year. So far, I have got three cousins who are expecting, one in June, and one in September. Not too sure about the other one.

Also, our good friends back home, Nic and Rachel are expecting their first born in about two weeks time, a baby girl!

I can never stop feeling excited for them! I simply love getting baby news!

A birthday party

Enjoying his juice

It's a birthday party!

It was Jinc's little friend, Ed's 4th birthday yesterday. His mom organised a birthday party and we were invited.

I must say, Helen, Ed's mom was very good in organising games for all the children. I have got to learn from her as I am planning to hold birthday parties when both Jinc and Lily May are a bit older, so that they understand better.

The weather was sunny and lovely too, and after the blowing of candles, all the children went to the garden and played.

We had a fantastic time! For Jinc, it was full of fun games with other children, presents and party snacks. Lily-May was equally happy at the party. For me, of course, the good company of other moms and also great time with all the other children!

It was our very first time to a birthday party, and looking forward to attending more children parties in the future!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Back to normal...

Our long holiday has come to an end... Arrived the UK on Sunday, and for the next couple of days, we literally slept and did nothing!

Sugar is now back to work, I am now back to my normal stay-at-home mum life. The babies are getting their routine back.

It is lovely to be back, in a way... even though we miss our family in Malaysia dearly!

Friday, 6 April 2012

Kuala Lumpur...

Still in Kuala Lumpur, and not much time to post on my blog. Also, very limited excess to broadband due to my stay at mom in law's.

We are not returning until two weeks time, due to some personal matter.

So, we have five weeks holiday instead of three, and hope Sugar won't lose his job!

I am so enjoying MY holiday!

It's hot, hot, hot, in Kuala Lumpur!