A lazy Sunday turned out to be a not-too-peaceful Sunday.
Sugar came home early from work, yes he normally works on a Sunday. The weather was so good and we wanted to walk to the park, and spend some time out door.
I was only downstairs getting things ready for the little one while Sugar played with Jinc on our bed. Minutes later, I heard a loud bang, it was like a 10kg rice bag fell to the floor, followed was a hysterical cry! Jinc fell from the bed, I thought, and ran upstairs. Sugar had picked him up from the floor but he was bleeding, and crying.
I panicked, while Sugar told me to grab the car keys and drove to the A&E. It was only about 10minutes drive from our house. Arrived and checked in, and within minutes, Jinc was being looked at. He had stopped bleeding and he seemed so normal and back to his bubbly self. Yet, we were told to wait for the pediatrician to get a thorough check before we could go home.
So, our Sunday afternoon was spent at the A&E, everything was fine, except Jinc has a small tear on the inner part of his upper lip. No big deal, but this incident is bad enough to make me feel guilty, and Sugar is equally guilty too.
Well, I guess, as we go along this journey of parenthood, we will encounter some accidents at some point of time. Just that, this very first came as a shock, and ruined our Sunday!
What an eventful Sunday!