Jinc is four months old!
He weighs 6.8kg (14Ibs150z). He is not a very heavy baby boy at the moment, but he is perfectly healthy. His weight gain is perfect for his weight chart at four months old. I am totally happy.
He used to have small patches of cradle cap since he was about six weeks old, and the cradle cap is completely gone now. We did not use a special shampoo for cradle cap too. However, the dry skin on his wrist is still there, and we still use Doublebase cream as prescribed by our GP religiously. The skin condition did improve over time..
His development includes rolling over( rolls better from his right), reaching out for rattles and toys, grabbing toys and he is able to play alone now. He loves to put objects into his mouth. He is dribbling more than last month, and I suspect he is reaching the very early stage of teething. He also loves to suck his fingers, all five of his fingers on both his left hand and right hand.
These days, he still loves his milk. However, he is not feeding as frequently, which is good news for me. He sleeps so well during the night, and literally sleeps through the night. What a relieve for me. His sleeping position is still the same, he sleeps soundly and uninterruptedly when he is sleeping on his tummy. He seems very uncomfortable to sleep on its back. So I let him sleep on his tummy every day, ever since he was about 10 weeks old!
He laughs a lot, and he loves all sorts of game. He loves to look at himself in the mirror and smile, how cute! He also loves to be on his feet, and he loves to bounce up and down when I supported under his arms. This is a very tiring job for me, but Jinc loves it! We are considering buying a doorway bouncer for him before getting him a walker.
I still do not think he can call 'mummy' or 'daddy', but occasionally, I would hear him making the vocal sounds, such as boo-boo, ma-ma. When I brought him his bottle and said 'milk-milk', he will copy me said mma-mma.. How amazing....
At four months, he is Ok and happy to have anyone to carry or cuddle him. In fact, he is happy just to have someone to carry him.
At four months old, it is a very exciting stage as he starts to communicate, and I began to see his personality, a big personality, my boy!!