Jinc is now eight weeks old. Yesterday, we brought him to his very first immunisation and went through his two-month health check.
He had two injections, one was DTaP/ IPV/ Hib to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Haemophilus InfluenzaType B. The other injection was PCV to protect against pneumococcal infection.
He was such a strong baby. He was not crying a bit on the first jab. Immediately after the first one, he was given another jab on another thigh, then he started to cry a bit. I was really surprised, as I had expected him to scream on top of his lungs! Both Sugar and I were really impressed, and we just could not stop praising him!
As for his two-month health check, he is perfectly fine, and he is our perfect little boy!
Now, at two months old, he is able to lift his head and shoulder when I put him to his tummy. He can now follow objects and gurgling and cooing a lot more compare to when he was one month old. He smiles a lot especially when he woke up in the morning and saw my face. Every time he smiles, my heart melts. It is all worth it when I think about how tough it was during the first two weeks after he was born! His movement become smoother, and he can now stare and play with mobiles for nearly an hour when I put him to his bouncer chair. He is able to entertain himself now as he discovers his own hands and fingers.
He starts to recognise our faces and voices. When he is hungry and crying for milk, I would show him his bottle full of milk while calling out 'milk-milk', he will turn and stare at me, and stop crying immediately.
Jinc weighs 5kg (11.02Ib) now. He is having 5-6ounces during each feed and can now sleep up to five hours during the night. I am so pleased now as I am finally getting some good night's sleep. He is having shorter naps and plays more. He outgrows most of his newborn clothing. All his newborn bibs are now becoming too small for him. His nappy size is one size up now. He is also having new set of teats, size 2 now on his bottles.
When most experienced mums told me how quickly their babies grow up, I would listen with envy. Today, I am a mum who just cannot believe how quickly her little newborn has grown and is no longer the wriggly newborn....